Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of CMakeBuildConfiguration

Jun 12, 2007, 8:20:26 PM (15 years ago)
troy d. straszheim

clean up useful options.


  • CMakeBuildConfiguration

    v1 v2  
    11= Configuration tools =
    22The Windows `CMake` gui and the unix `ccmake` curses interface allow one to configure various aspects of the cmake build.     
    4 On unix, run
     3On Microsoft Windows run the CMake configuration program from the Start menu.  On unix, run
    65ccmake <path-to-source>
    5453Use the arrow keys to select particular options.  Press '''''c''''' (for (c)onfigure) to perform the preliminary configuration of the CMake build system when you are done.
    55 When the options you have selected have stabilized, CMake will give you the (g)enerate option. If you do not see this option, press '''''c''''' again to reconfigure. Finally, press '''''g''''' to generate makefiles and exit.
    57 Presumably the windows GUI needs no such explanation.
     54When the options you have selected have stabilized, CMake will give you the (g)enerate option. If you do not see this option, press '''''c''''' again to reconfigure.  Try the '''''t''''' key to see more options.  When you're done press '''''g''''' to generate makefiles and exit.
    5956== CMakeCache.txt ==
    61 The values of these options are stored in a file `CMakeCache.txt` located in the build directory.  This is what `ccmake` reads if it is started pointing to a build directory.  This file is hand-editable.  An excerpt:
     58The same information is stored in a file `CMakeCache.txt` located in the build directory.  This is what `ccmake` reads if it is started pointing to a build directory.  This file is hand-editable, though this is usually not as convenient as the cmake-supplied configuration tools mentioned above.  An excerpt of this file:
    74 The makefiles that CMake generates will detect if this file has been edited and will automatically re-perform the makefile generation phase.  If you should need to trigger this regeneration manually you may execute
     71On unix, (?windows too?) the generated makefiles will detect if this file has been edited and will automatically rerun the makefile generation phase.  If you should need to trigger this regeneration manually you may execute
    7673make rebuild_cache
    7976= Useful options =
     78More detail on some of these options is available elsewhere.  But here is a summary:
    8281||`CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE`||Displays full build commands during build.  Good for debugging.||
     82|| `BUILD_VERSIONED` || Toggles mangling of compiler name and boost version into library names ||
     83|| `BUILD_TESTING` || Toggles build of testing ||
     84|| `BUILD_`''feature'' || Toggles build of feature ''feature'', where ''feature'' comes from the list found at [wiki:CMakeBuildFeatures],  e.g. `BUILD_RELEASE`, `BUILD_DEBUG`, `BUILD_MULTI_THREADED`, etc.||
     85||`BUILD_BOOST_`''library''||Toggles building and testing of ''library'' (e.g. this will appear as `BUILD_BOOST_REGEX`, `BUILD_BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS`, etc.||
     86|| `TEST_BOOST`_''library'' || Toggles testing of ''library'' (this option appears only if `BUILD_BOOST`_''library'' and `BUILD_TESTING` are enabled.  See [wiki:CMakeTesting] ||
    8387||`CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES`||'''Mac OS X users''': to build universal binaries, set this to `ppc;i386`.||
    84 ||`BUILD_BOOST_`''library''||Toggles building and testing of ''library'' (e.g. this will appear as `BUILD_BOOST_REGEX`, `BUILD_BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS`, etc.||
    85 || `BUILD_TESTING` || Toggles build of testing ||
    86 || `TEST_BOOST`_''library'' || Toggles testing of ''library'' (this option appears only if `BUILD_BOOST`_''library'' and `BUILD_TESTING` are enabled ||
    87 || `BUILD_VERSIONED` || Toggles mangling of compiler name and boost version into library names ||
    88 || `BUILD_`''feature'' || Toggles build of feature ''feature'', where ''feature'' comes from the list found at [wiki:CMakeBuildFeatures],  e.g. `BUILD_RELEASE`, `BUILD_DEBUG`, `BUILD_MULTI_THREADED`, etc.||