Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Guidelines/DoxygenGuidelines

Apr 15, 2011, 5:08:53 PM (12 years ago)

Added DoxygenGuidelines


  • Guidelines/DoxygenGuidelines

    v1 v1  
     5WARNING: The contents of this page are not the result of a consensus of the Boost community.
     7Please feel free to improve this page directly or post on the Boost mailing lists [] and [].
     10= Limitations =
     14== doxygen tags not supported ==
     16Currently there are some doxygen tags that are not taken in account by BoostBook.
     19=== @tparam ===
     22=== @see ===
     25== C++03 features not supported ==
     28=== Inheriting from a template parameter ===
     31template <typename UT, typename Bool=bool>
     32struct inherited_from_underlying
     34  template <typename Final, typename Base>
     35  struct type : Base  {
     36  //            ^^^^
     37  };
     44template <typename UT, typename Bool=bool>
     45struct inherited_from_underlying {
     46  // member classes/structs/unions
     47  template <typename Final, typename Base>
     48  struct type {
     49//           ^^^^
     50  };
     55=== ::type misplaced when inheriting from a metafunction  ===
     59  typename Final,
     60  typename UT,
     61  typename MetaMixinSeq=boost::mpl::vector0<>,
     62  typename Base=base_opaque_type
     64class new_class : public linear_hierarchy<MetaMixinSeq, Final, Base>::type {
     65//                                                                    ^^^^
     71template<typename Final, typename UT,
     72         typename MetaMixinSeq = boost::mpl::vector0<>,
     73         typename Base = base_opaque_type>
     74class new_class : public linear_hierarchy::type< MetaMixinSeq, Final, Base > {
     75//                                         ^^^^
     81== C++0x features not supported ==
     83There are some C++0x features that are not yet supported. These should be added in future versions as soon as the doxygen version you use take care of them.
     86=== explicit conversion operator ===
     88C++0x explicit operators are not documented as explicit
     91explicit operator underlying_type const&() const
     98operator underlying_type const&() const;
     101See #5478.
     104=== Scoped enums ===
     106C++0x scoped enums are not documented as enum class.
     108See #5479.
     112=== Defaulted and Deleted Constructors ===
     114C++0x defaulted and deleted constructors are not documented as =default.
     116See #5480.
     119= Guidelines =
     122== Documenting the Reference section following the C++ standard style ==
     124Doxygen provides a certain number of tags that allows to generate a clean documentation, but it would be great if all the Boost libraries document its Reference section following the C++ standard style.