Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of SoC2013

Mar 2, 2013, 2:12:44 PM (10 years ago)

Added ideas section


  • SoC2013

    v11 v12  
    88 * toolkit-like extensions to existing libraries,
    9  * finishing or extend sandbox libraries,
     9 * finishing or extending sandbox libraries,
    1010 * new data structures and algorithms, and
    1111 * multiple competing proposals for the same project.
    142142This project will be mentored by Karsten Ahnert and Mario Mulansky
     144== Ideas ==
     146Here you find a lot of ideas which have been mentioned on the Boost mailing list. Boost developers can use these ideas to create new projects (and add them to the list of projects above). And students can use them as start points to propose projects themselves. While these ideas are by far not as concrete as projects in the list above, they give students an idea what else they can work on within Boost. They also give students a chance to propose exactly the kind of project they'd like to work on instead of picking one from the predefined projects from above.
     148=== Boost libraries (extending/overhauling/finishing) ===
     149* Reliable UDP (may UDT) for Boost.Asio
     150* USB for Boost.Asio
     151* Extension/reflection library (
     152* std::packaged_task scheduler (like Intel TBB's with task stealing) for Boost.Thread
     153* Filesystem abstraction + path cleanup (
     154* Hardware random number generator for Boost.Random
     155* Pipes for Boost.Iostream (and maybe Boost.Asio for named/asynchronous pipes)
     156* Protocol implementations for Boost.Asio
     157* Factories for Boost.Flyweight (
     158* expected<T> ( for Boost.System
     160=== Algorithms ===
     161* Radix sort
     162* Approximate string matching
     163* Full text search
     164* Near Duplicate Detection (shingling)
     165* Parallel algorithms (sort, for_each)
     166* Algorithms for gpgpu
     167* Kinetic scrolling
     169=== Data strutures ===
     170* Trie data structure
     171* B-tree data structure
     172* Concurrent containers (unordered_map, unordered_set, vector, forward_list)
     173* Slim string (as opposed to the fat std::string interface, maybe immutable, maybe policy based)
     175=== Media ===
     176* Hardware graphics (OpenGL/OpenGL ES/DirectX abstraction)
     177* Audio library (OpenAL/FMOD/etc)
     178* Video processing library (gil for video)
     180=== Games ===
     181* Physics library (ODE/Havok/PhysX/etc abstraction)
     182* Input library (like DirectInput/XInput)
     183* Ranking algorithms (elo/TrueSkill)
     185=== Databases ===
     186* Relational database library (
     187* Document database library (couchdb/mongodb/etc)
     188* Spatial indexes
     190=== Math ===
     191* Fixed-point math library (binary scaling)
     192* Geometry library (convince the developers to submit Eigen 3 to Boost)
     194=== Memory ===
     195* Memcache library
     197=== File formats ===
     198* JSON parsing libary
     199* XML library
     201=== Communication ===
     202* Channel library (
     203* RPC
     205=== GUI ===
     206* GUI library
     208=== C++ "extensions" ===
     209* Type switch library (
     211=== Performance ===
     212* Benchmark framework
     214=== Hardware ===
     215* CPUID