{2} Active Tickets by Version (3380 matches)

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Results (1601 - 1700 of 3380)

Boost 1.55.0 (36 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#9769 Add conversion from boost::exception_ptr to std::exception_ptr when available exception Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Emil Dotchevski new Mar 11, 2014
#9797 Scanning files without updating file counter when initializing from settings container log Boost 1.55.0 Boost 1.56.0 Feature Requests Andrey Semashev new Mar 20, 2014
#9810 boost serialization: deserialization from boost txt archive fails on -nan for double serialization Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Robert Ramey reopened Mar 27, 2014
#9953 lazy_enable_if is not sfinae friendly core Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Peter Dimov new Apr 25, 2014
#10009 Boost Asio should provide also thread-safe sockets asio Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new May 6, 2014
#10022 json_parser_write inconditionally converts CP1252 to escaped unicode property_tree Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Sebastian Redl new May 8, 2014
#10027 Allow template parameters with types rather than hardcode typename in BOOST_FUSION_DEFINE_TPL_STRUCT_INLINE (and friends) fusion Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Joel de Guzman new May 8, 2014
#10078 Incomplete API with respect to file related dates (cration, modification, access) filesystem Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Beman Dawes assigned May 29, 2014
#10162 ASIO's spawn should accept a stack allocator parameter asio Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Jun 30, 2014
#10175 Integrating build asio as a library into the boost build system asio Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Jul 3, 2014
#10199 When requested mpi threading level cannot be provided, some sort of error should be reported mpi Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Matthias Troyer new Jul 15, 2014
#10214 robust interprocess mutex enhancments proposal interprocess Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga new Jul 18, 2014
#10241 Please relax template constraints of boost::math::binomial_coefficient math Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests John Maddock new Jul 24, 2014
#10277 reference_wrapper & implicit conversion to parent types bind Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Peter Dimov new Jul 30, 2014
#10316 Thread: add subscription operator if the value provide it. thread Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests viboes assigned Aug 6, 2014
#10548 Spirit.Lex does not support scoped enum spirit Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Hartmut Kaiser new Sep 27, 2014
#11039 filesystem_error exception uses wrong encoding for what() filesystem Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Beman Dawes new Feb 16, 2015
#8755 Boost.-Signals VS2013 compilation error signals Boost 1.55.0 Boost 1.56.0 Patches Douglas Gregor new Jul 1, 2013
#9428 Lib program_options build fail for mingw Building Boost Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Patches new Nov 24, 2013
#9505 Replace plain throw with BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION tokenizer Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Patches jsiek new Dec 17, 2013
#9510 std::swap should be pulled in from <utility> in C++11 swap Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Patches joseph.gauterin new Dec 19, 2013
#9674 qt5: <rccflags> support build Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Patches Vladimir Prus new Feb 17, 2014
#9825 mutable_heap wan't to construct Compare in assert in increase and decrease function heap Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Patches timblechmann new Apr 1, 2014
#9939 Patch to add "no exceptions" support to dynamic_bitset dynamic_bitset Boost 1.55.0 Boost 1.56.0 Patches acharles assigned Apr 22, 2014
#10037 process_jam_log can't open output file when using library_test_all.sh Regression Testing USE GITHUB Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Patches René Rivera new May 10, 2014
#10063 Option should exist to include ublas entirely from headers without linking to serialization uBLAS Boost 1.55.0 Boost 1.56.0 Patches Gunter new May 21, 2014
#10122 Recent Python versions trigger compiler error on AIX when compiling modules/regex.c: conflicting types for 'fgetpos64' build Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Patches Vladimir Prus new Jun 13, 2014
#10513 Use operator | and |= for set addition if | and |= are called ICL Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Patches Joachim Faulhaber new Sep 17, 2014
#11335 units: [patch] Improve precision of mmHg conversion to Pascal units Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Patches Matthias Schabel new May 22, 2015
#9530 Building Boost with minGW Building Boost Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Support Requests new Dec 29, 2013
#10074 Linker Error in Debug mode VS2010, chrono lib Building Boost Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Support Requests new May 27, 2014
#10101 Failed to build Boost.Build engine Building Boost Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Support Requests new Jun 7, 2014
#10568 It would be better to improve naming mechanism of the latest log file log Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Andrey Semashev new Sep 30, 2014
#10656 build static boost libraries with -fPIC Building Boost Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Support Requests new Oct 14, 2014
#12903 division by 0 polygon Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Lucanus Simonson new Mar 14, 2017
#13589 boost_1_55_0 bootstrap mingw failed Building Boost Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Support Requests James E. King, III new Jun 11, 2018

Boost 1.56.0 (64 matches)

#1974 ambiguous call to ref in vector_of_vector.hpp when using bind.hpp uBLAS Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Gunter reopened May 30, 2008
#6824 warning: delete called on boost::error_info... that has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor exception Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Emil Dotchevski reopened Apr 23, 2012
#9348 b2 cannot find Jamroot when run at the root of a mounted partition. Building Boost Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Nov 6, 2013
#9824 boost::filesystem::is_empty() doesn't work with symlinks on Windows filesystem Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes assigned Apr 1, 2014
#10129 boost::arg and boost::is_placeholder not documented bind Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Peter Dimov new Jun 18, 2014
#10222 root map not correctly computed by strong_components graph Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Jul 21, 2014
#10275 darwin.jam fails to detect installed SDK on MacOS 10.9 with XCode 5.1 installed Building Boost Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Jul 30, 2014
#10276 For clang toolset Boost 1.56 needs to always specify -Wno-c99-extensions build Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jul 30, 2014
#10304 1.56 rc1 ASIO doesn't compile with mingw32 asio Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Aug 2, 2014
#10314 Update 59fd3b6 on May 17 to cray.jam breaks cray build Building Boost Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Aug 5, 2014
#10322 documentation for erase method of multisets is wrong intrusive Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Aug 8, 2014
#10325 Win32: including file_lock.hpp results in compilation error interprocess Boost 1.56.0 Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Aug 8, 2014
#10329 Examples declare unused variable 'sefl' asio Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Aug 8, 2014
#10330 Boost 1.56 bootstrap.bat failed for intel-win32 Building Boost Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Aug 9, 2014
#10332 »indexed« range adaptor's source-breaking change not mentioned in release notes range Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Neil Groves assigned Aug 9, 2014
#10336 compilation error in iterator_range and unordered_map range Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Neil Groves assigned Aug 10, 2014
#10350 asio build broken for /dev/poll in 1.56 asio Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Aug 13, 2014
#10354 inconsistent declaration of do_length in boost/detail/utf8_codecvt_facet.hpp due to missing BOOST_WORKAROUND filesystem Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes reopened Aug 13, 2014
#10356 Massive Warnings Wall whenu using signal2 call operator - VS2013U3 signals2 Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Frank Mori Hess new Aug 14, 2014
#10360 Since 1.56, any_range use static cast of reference instead of implicit conversion range Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Neil Groves assigned Aug 15, 2014
#10361 Dead link for Boost Build in getting started guide Getting Started Guide Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Dave Abrahams new Aug 16, 2014
#10362 Invalid directory in Boost Build getting started Getting Started Guide Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Dave Abrahams new Aug 16, 2014
#10364 Release 1.56 broke random::uniform_real_distribution random Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs No-Maintainer new Aug 16, 2014
#10367 kqueue on OSX broke support for read-only file descriptors asio Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Aug 17, 2014
#10368 Boost.Ref: undocumented breaking change: void cref(const T&&) = delete bind Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Peter Dimov new Aug 18, 2014
#10370 Iterating over ptr_map type is largely broken in 1.56 ptr_container Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Thorsten Ottosen new Aug 18, 2014
#10376 VS2013: new compiler warnings since v1.56.0 asio Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Aug 19, 2014
#10382 1.56.0 Graph adjacency_list has compile errors on g++ 4.6.4 graph Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Aug 20, 2014
#10397 compilation error with mfc-iteratior-support: ambiguous symbol range Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Neil Groves assigned Aug 25, 2014
#10407 MSC Warning disable: Use pop instead push endian Boost 1.56.0 Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Beman Dawes new Aug 27, 2014
#10422 Counting Iterator return-type causes lifetime issues iterator Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs jeffrey.hellrung new Aug 29, 2014
#10432 32-bit offset_ptr crashes on 64-bit platform interprocess Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Aug 31, 2014
#10440 boyer_moore.hpp fails on Linux w/ gcc-4.7.2, OK with Mac clang algorithm Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Marshall Clow new Sep 2, 2014
#10444 MPI archive failure mpi Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Matthias Troyer new Sep 2, 2014
#10449 directed_graph copy constructor graph Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Sep 3, 2014
#10450 Undefined behavior in boost::filesystem::detail::directory_iterator_construct filesystem Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Sep 3, 2014
#10457 'boost::locale::date_time_duration' : assignment operator could not be generated locale Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Artyom Beilis new Sep 4, 2014
#10458 boost::parameter::aux::default_: assignment operator could not be generated parameter Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Daniel Wallin new Sep 4, 2014
#10462 throw exception inherits two std::exception exception Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Emil Dotchevski new Sep 4, 2014
#10490 boost::geometry::difference produces a "possible loss of data" warning in MSVC geometry Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Barend Gehrels new Sep 11, 2014
#10505 Use gcc/clang built-in endianity macros (too) predef USE GITHUB Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs René Rivera reopened Sep 15, 2014
#10507 Tools: Wave missing wave Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Hartmut Kaiser new Sep 15, 2014
#10514 Cannot copy const sub_range to non-const range Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Neil Groves new Sep 18, 2014
#10515 Range: doc: incorrect return type range Boost 1.56.0 Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Neil Groves assigned Sep 18, 2014
#10534 'WSASocketA': Use WSASocketW() instead or define _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS asio Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Sep 24, 2014
#10540 missing std::nullptr_t support in boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp ptr_container Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Thorsten Ottosen new Sep 25, 2014
#10543 circular_buffer::rotate() incorrectly assumes that circular_buffer::pointer is a simple pointer type circular_buffer Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jan Gaspar new Sep 26, 2014
#10547 [boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp] Purify detected UMRs date_time Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs az_sw_dude new Sep 26, 2014
#10559 1_56 tar file has directories with wrong permissions, will not install Building Boost Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Sep 28, 2014
#10560 [documentation] wrong path mentioned in getting started guide Getting Started Guide Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Dave Abrahams new Sep 29, 2014
#10561 Bugs in dual seekable mode iostreams Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Sep 29, 2014
#10567 <boost/asio/spawn.hpp> is not inside <boost/asio.hpp> asio Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Sep 30, 2014
#10571 type_index tests configuration issues for Oracle Studio c++ asio Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Oct 1, 2014
#10572 Error: get_descriptors is not a member of boost::asio::detail::reactor_op_queue<int>. asio Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Oct 1, 2014
#10593 boost::locale::generator::generate throws unhelpful error if iconv doesn't support UTF-16 locale Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Artyom Beilis new Oct 4, 2014
#10627 Regression in xmldoc/ex_month_add.xml date_time Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs az_sw_dude new Oct 7, 2014
#10629 Interprocess Vector resize causes crash interprocess Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Oct 7, 2014
#10630 iostreams/test/code_converter_test does not compile with Xcode 6 iostreams Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Oct 7, 2014
#10633 mingw project was migrated to mingw-w64 6 mos to a year ago Documentation Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Daniel James new Oct 7, 2014
#10659 svg_mapper output is offset for int-based point type geometry Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Barend Gehrels new Oct 15, 2014
#10660 svg_mapper crash geometry Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Barend Gehrels new Oct 15, 2014
#10669 Assertion failed in broadcast with BOOST_MPI_HOMOGENEOUS defined mpi Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Matthias Troyer new Oct 16, 2014
#10674 Boost 1.56 freezes app on some systems with Windows 7 asio Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Oct 18, 2014
#10683 Boost.Iostreams: typos in the doc iostreams Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Oct 21, 2014
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.