{2} Active Tickets by Version (3380 matches)

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Results (2501 - 2600 of 3380)

Boost 1.62.0 (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#12665 boost::filesystem::path::replace_extension(const path& new_extension) produces inintuitive path on special directory filesystem Boost 1.62.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Beman Dawes new Dec 9, 2016
#12683 Using std::string for options_description program_options Boost 1.62.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Vladimir Prus new Dec 13, 2016
#12766 Boost Units: Quantities in Constexpr Functions units Boost 1.62.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Jürgen Hunold new Jan 17, 2017
#13346 SFINAE-friendly range_value range Boost 1.62.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Neil Groves new Dec 17, 2017
#12575 fix compilation of software using libressl and boost asio asio Boost 1.62.0 To Be Determined Patches chris_kohlhoff new Nov 2, 2016
#12826 Disabled SSL compression results in compile failure asio Boost 1.62.0 To Be Determined Patches chris_kohlhoff new Feb 9, 2017
#12492 No libbost_fiber files after building boost 1_62 Building Boost Boost 1.62.0 To Be Determined Support Requests new Sep 29, 2016
#12647 Support for arm instruction-set for arm64-v8a build Boost 1.62.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Vladimir Prus new Dec 4, 2016
#12433 Make use of make_shared whenever possible in future.hpp thread Boost 1.62.0 To Be Determined Tasks viboes assigned Sep 3, 2016

Boost 1.63.0 (91 matches)

#6879 Memory leak using resolve() method from basic_resolver asio Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff reopened May 9, 2012
#8795 async_connect incorrectly reports success on failure asio Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff reopened Jul 8, 2013
#10454 windows_file_codecvt::do_length doesn't use BOOST_CODECVT_DO_LENGTH_CONST filesystem Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Sep 4, 2014
#10591 boost::filesystem does not build on iOS 8 filesystem Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes reopened Oct 4, 2014
#11692 boost::insert doesn't return a value on the 2 argument overload causing undefined behaviour range Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Neil Groves new Sep 29, 2015
#12602 C++11 raw string literals with embedded escapes are mislexed wave Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Hartmut Kaiser new Nov 11, 2016
#12603 C++11 Raw string literals with delimiters are not lexed correctly wave Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Hartmut Kaiser new Nov 11, 2016
#12618 Unused "str_icase_" member in xpression_peeker struct xpressive Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Eric Niebler new Nov 22, 2016
#12624 bug error calling boost::make_u32regex() regex Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs John Maddock new Nov 25, 2016
#12714 boost 1.6.3 doesn't appear to be installing right Building Boost Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Dec 27, 2016
#12716 Python link broken in "build from source" documentation python USE GITHUB Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve new Dec 28, 2016
#12718 LD_LIBRARY_PATH shouldn't be applied to touch command Building Boost Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Dec 30, 2016
#12726 compilation errors for iOS API bind Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Peter Dimov new Jan 5, 2017
#12741 Linker error in cross compiling with x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ serialization Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Robert Ramey assigned Jan 10, 2017
#12755 serialization/map.hpp tests for the wrong thing to figure out whether emplace_hint() exists serialization Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs John Maddock new Jan 12, 2017
#12756 Getting the error: " undefined reference to `_Py_NoneStruct' " using boost.python python USE GITHUB Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve new Jan 12, 2017
#12773 WINDOWS- Boost thread 1.63.0 strict aliasing warnings thread Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs viboes assigned Jan 19, 2017
#12777 uniform_real_distribution fails to compile with result_type having explicit conversion constructor from float random Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs No-Maintainer new Jan 22, 2017
#12783 Make some existing solaris-specific flags only be used with the solaris studio toolset Building Boost Boost 1.63.0 Boost 1.65.0 Bugs new Jan 24, 2017
#12784 Use of "cp -p" on a tmpfs is broken in recent versions coreutils on solaris Building Boost Boost 1.63.0 Boost 1.65.0 Bugs new Jan 24, 2017
#12785 building in solaris 10: ./build.sh: syntax error at line 135: `machine=$' unexpected Building Boost Boost 1.63.0 Boost 1.65.0 Bugs new Jan 24, 2017
#12788 optional 1.63 no longer can be initialized from '<brace-enclosed initializer list>' optional Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs akrzemi1 reopened Jan 25, 2017
#12795 thread library - thread_specific_ptr documentation gives obsolete recomendation thread Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs viboes assigned Jan 27, 2017
#12797 Invalid regex recursion behavior regex Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs John Maddock new Jan 29, 2017
#12802 optional<recursive_wrapper> is broken in 1.63 optional Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Fernando Cacciola new Feb 1, 2017
#12806 flat_map.hpp function force_copy break strict-aliasing on gcc < 4.4 container Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Feb 2, 2017
#12807 boost::python::objects::add_cast can make incorrect connections python USE GITHUB Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve new Feb 2, 2017
#12815 Boost asio 1.63 examples are all broken links asio Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Feb 5, 2017
#12821 Crash in integer_sort when reverse sorting a struct sort Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Paul A. Bristow new Feb 8, 2017
#12822 MSVC14u3: compiler warning sort Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Paul A. Bristow new Feb 8, 2017
#12825 Missing exports in numpy library python USE GITHUB Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve new Feb 9, 2017
#12828 Fatal crash on multiple irecv with the same communicator, sender, tag mpi Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Matthias Troyer new Feb 10, 2017
#12830 boost::filesystem::windows_name() ? filesystem Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Feb 11, 2017
#12838 Invalid assignment in iostreams large_file_test.cpp iostreams Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Feb 14, 2017
#12841 Boost.Property_Tree Missing Include Bind Placeholders property_tree Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Sebastian Redl new Feb 15, 2017
#12852 Resizing fills the circular buffer circular_buffer Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jan Gaspar new Feb 17, 2017
#12862 build boost with Visual Studio 2017 RC without sdk 10 Building Boost Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Feb 22, 2017
#12870 bugs?: xpressive: xp::skip(xp::_s) does not work xpressive Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Eric Niebler new Feb 26, 2017
#12872 icl calls set::insert with invalid iterator hint ICL Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Joachim Faulhaber new Feb 26, 2017
#12873 boost.heap calls non-existing constructor of iterator_adaptor heap Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs timblechmann reopened Feb 26, 2017
#12875 ip::tcp::iostream flush() doesn't clear the buffer. Neither does clear(); asio Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Feb 28, 2017
#12882 Boost.Log fails to build on Solaris 11.3 x86 using Developer Studio 12.5 optional Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs akrzemi1 new Mar 2, 2017
#12884 to_string() exception Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Emil Dotchevski new Mar 6, 2017
#12890 Misleading documentation for regex_replace regex Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs John Maddock new Mar 9, 2017
#12891 boost::signals::scoped_connection is copyable and the documentation says it is not signals Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Douglas Gregor new Mar 9, 2017
#12892 range/algorithm_ext/insert.hpp won't compile range Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Neil Groves new Mar 10, 2017
#12895 VS 2012: zip_iterator dereference causes a compiler error iterator Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs jeffrey.hellrung new Mar 10, 2017
#12896 [Utility] string_view's comparison operators are not marked "constexpr" utility Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Marshall Clow new Mar 11, 2017
#12899 ERROR: Error LNK1104 cannot open file 'libboost_date_time-vc140-mt-gd-1_63.lib' Building Boost Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Mar 11, 2017
#12900 Can't compile Boost.Typeof with MSVC and flag /permissive- typeof Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Peder Holt new Mar 13, 2017
#12904 canonical fails for relative symbolic link on NTFS filesystem Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Mar 14, 2017
#12916 Network Issue asio Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Mar 20, 2017
#12918 Spirit:extra template parameters in mini_c sample spirit Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Joel de Guzman new Mar 20, 2017
#12921 Linker Error with numpy in boost/python python USE GITHUB Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve new Mar 22, 2017
#12946 Definition of BOOST_ARCH_ARM does not check __aarch64__ predef USE GITHUB Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs René Rivera new Apr 4, 2017
#12947 Failed to use memory-mapped file to interprocess communications iostreams Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Apr 4, 2017
#12951 Warning C4244 generated by packed_oarchive.hpp mpi Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Matthias Troyer new Apr 5, 2017
#12962 user overridden cxxflags are not honored for the compilation of some libraries Building Boost Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Apr 12, 2017
#12965 bug of [[:xdigit:]] matching regex Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs John Maddock new Apr 13, 2017
#12973 Example in docs for optional<T&> copy constructor is wrong optional Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Fernando Cacciola new Apr 14, 2017
#12988 boost::geometry::difference doesn't operate correctly when many holes are overlapping geometry Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Barend Gehrels new Apr 25, 2017
#12994 Bugs in make_maximal_planar() function graph Boost 1.63.0 Boost 1.63.0 Bugs - new Apr 28, 2017
#12998 Can't forward single-argument constructors to sinks log Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Andrey Semashev new Apr 30, 2017
#13000 Please use BOOST_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW system Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new May 1, 2017
#13017 boost::interprocess::map compilation problem (overloading) interprocess Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new May 8, 2017
#13039 geometry::difference with multi_linestring and multi_polygon needs geometry.hpp to compile with MinGW/LLVM geometry Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Barend Gehrels new May 19, 2017
#13042 Build errors with stdlib=sun-stlport on Linux build Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new May 22, 2017
#13044 Failed to build Boost.Build engine. build Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new May 23, 2017
#13063 error C2668: 'boost::next' : ambiguous call to overloaded function utility Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Andrey Semashev new Jun 10, 2017
#13075 gzip_decompressor cannot be pushed to filtering_stream if provided with input_seekable iostreams Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Jun 15, 2017
#13092 Serializing pointer makes sanitizer complain about "reference binding to misaligned address" serialization Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Robert Ramey new Jun 23, 2017
#13098 geometry::touches return wrong result on two polygons geometry Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Barend Gehrels new Jun 26, 2017
#13100 How can I post move only handler? asio Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jun 27, 2017
#13102 Executable not relinking if related static libraries are changed. build Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jun 28, 2017
#13107 Include guards missing in range/iterator_range_hash.hpp range Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Neil Groves new Jul 5, 2017
#13113 OperationalError: could not extend file "base/19263/19289": No space left on deviceHINT: Check free disk space. trac / subversion Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Douglas Gregor new Jul 10, 2017
#13122 Four statics from containers_fwd.hpp should be constexpr container Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Jul 14, 2017
#13130 BOOST_LOCKFREE_CACHELINE_BYTES value is incorrect on s390x lockfree Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs timblechmann new Jul 21, 2017
#13133 copy_file does not check file type, can fill disk or hang program if used on certain file types filesystem Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Jul 24, 2017
#13140 Quadratic complexity of a flat_set constructor container Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Jul 28, 2017
#13145 parse_charset.hpp(304): warning C4456: declaration of 'invert' hides previous local declaration xpressive Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Eric Niebler new Aug 2, 2017
#13147 Crash in boost::asio::basic_streambuf asio Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Aug 4, 2017
#13154 Error compiling pthread/thread.o on Oracle Linux with Oracle compiler and stdlib=sun-stlport build Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Aug 9, 2017
#13161 Optional vector assignment regression optional Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Fernando Cacciola new Aug 14, 2017
#13189 copy throws exception from a function defined as noexcept filesystem Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Sep 3, 2017
#13193 multiple sockets (reuse_address) + multiple io_service = packages never received asio Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Sep 5, 2017
#13198 breadth_first_visit crashes on graphs where VertexLists is vecS graph Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Sep 7, 2017
#13216 Failed to build Boost.Build engine build Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Sep 19, 2017
#13235 Wrong "Getting Started" link trac / subversion Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs Douglas Gregor new Sep 29, 2017
#13265 boost atomic lib memory_order error atomic Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs timblechmann new Oct 19, 2017
#13269 Wrong docu for uniform_real-distribution random Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Bugs No-Maintainer new Oct 22, 2017
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.