{2} Active Tickets by Version (3380 matches)

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Results (1901 - 2000 of 3380)

Boost 1.57.0 (29 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#11041 Add no_unit to duration_style. chrono Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests viboes assigned Feb 17, 2015
#11052 Make all executors copyable pointing to a shared context thread Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests viboes assigned Feb 20, 2015
#11059 Ability to compile boost with customize namespace Building Boost Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests new Feb 25, 2015
#11067 boost::gregorian::date_iterator missing postfix operators ++ and -- date_time Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests James E. King, III assigned Mar 3, 2015
#11101 urlencode() and urldecode() string_algo Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Marshall Clow new Mar 11, 2015
#11111 Enable deterministic builds (Linux) Building Boost Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests new Mar 12, 2015
#11123 Accumulators: adjust type fusion::nil to fusion::nil_ accumulator Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Eric Niebler new Mar 18, 2015
#11179 create_directories() does not allow control of permissions filesystem Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Beman Dawes new Apr 10, 2015
#11180 has_set_intersection algorithm Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Marshall Clow new Apr 10, 2015
#11206 address_v4::to_ulong() returns 8 bytes on real 64bit systems asio Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Apr 20, 2015
#11264 Add variadic lock_guard of Lockables thread Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests viboes assigned May 3, 2015
#11399 Boost geometry models don't support stateful allocator. geometry Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Barend Gehrels new Jun 12, 2015
#11497 std::front and std::back utility Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests No-Maintainer new Jul 24, 2015
#11663 No way to query file extension without allocating memory filesystem Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Beman Dawes assigned Sep 17, 2015
#11746 boost::asio::buffer() overload for string_ref and const char pointer (c-string) asio Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Oct 22, 2015
#11747 boost::asio::buffer() overload for string_ref and const char pointer (c-string) asio Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Oct 22, 2015
#11748 boost::asio::buffer() overload for string_ref and const char pointer (c-string) asio Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Oct 22, 2015
#11814 Add Boost.Convert to the Trac trac / subversion Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Douglas Gregor new Nov 21, 2015
#12867 log library extensions log Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Andrey Semashev new Feb 24, 2017
#11804 Contribution: edge-disjoint k-shortest paths graph Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Library Submissions Jeremiah Willcock new Nov 18, 2015
#11838 contribution: Yen k-shortest paths graph Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Library Submissions Jeremiah Willcock new Dec 10, 2015
#10907 Fix for mingw interprocess Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Patches Ion Gaztañaga new Dec 29, 2014
#10910 arm64 value for <instruction-set> feature support build Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Patches Vladimir Prus new Dec 30, 2014
#10974 dynamic_bitset.hpp should not use "using namespace std" dynamic_bitset Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Patches jsiek new Jan 27, 2015
#11003 Pointless use of using namespace std asio Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Patches chris_kohlhoff new Feb 9, 2015
#8362 Move ctor or assignment for boost::geometry::model::ring? geometry Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Mateusz Loskot new Apr 2, 2013
#10800 boost::iostreams seems to be unmaintained iostreams Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Jonathan Turkanis new Nov 18, 2014
#10967 Timed wait points inconsistently convert relative to absolute waits thread Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Tasks Niall Douglas new Jan 24, 2015
#11093 Limitations of unique_ptr in C++03 mode move Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Tasks Ion Gaztañaga new Mar 10, 2015

Boost 1.58.0 (71 matches)

#4874 multi_array compile errors using Visual C++ 2010 in debug mode multi_array Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ronald Garcia reopened Nov 21, 2010
#9284 WaitForSingleObject(mutex) must handle WAIT_ABANDONED interprocess Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga reopened Oct 22, 2013
#10496 100% cpu usage when reading serial port on MacOSX asio Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Sep 11, 2014
#10642 polygon_set_data<int> bug with small coordinates polygon Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Andrii Sydorchuk reopened Oct 9, 2014
#10973 Bootstrap doesn't configure project-config.jam correctly on Windows 8 Building Boost Boost 1.58.0 Boost 1.58.0 Bugs new Jan 27, 2015
#10988 Range filtered adapter incorrectly requires a ForwardRange range Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Neil Groves assigned Feb 1, 2015
#11172 Posix semaphores wait/timed_wait under linux and EINTR return code interprocess Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Apr 7, 2015
#11188 can not use repeat(int)[] with std::ref and phoenix::ref spirit Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Joel de Guzman new Apr 14, 2015
#11200 Error when compiling log_setup by compiler Intel C++ 14.0 phoenix Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Thomas Heller new Apr 18, 2015
#11202 boost.sort header conflicts with boost.range header range Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Neil Groves new Apr 18, 2015
#11207 boost::numeric::ublas::shallow_array_adaptor broken when compiling with -DNDEBUG numeric Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Douglas Gregor new Apr 20, 2015
#11208 Swapping allocators does not use ADL circular_buffer Boost 1.58.0 Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Jan Gaspar new Apr 20, 2015
#11225 failed to compile with msvc8, variadics used wrong fusion Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Joel de Guzman new Apr 22, 2015
#11235 Variance error when used with std::complex accumulator Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Eric Niebler new Apr 24, 2015
#11240 tons of warnings about unused local typedefs with clang++ range Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs reopened Apr 24, 2015
#11270 bost::shared_ptr && boost::optional fail to compile in single if statement smart_ptr Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Peter Dimov new May 5, 2015
#11280 VS 2010 with LLVM smart_ptr Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Peter Dimov new May 11, 2015
#11287 adaptors: strided does not support input iterators range Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Neil Groves new May 12, 2015
#11297 adaptors: Documentation for sliced reports the wrong precondition range Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Neil Groves new May 13, 2015
#11300 I think the invariant in ResourceExtensionFunction for r_c_shortest_paths is not correct graph Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new May 13, 2015
#11304 bind added overload generate ambiguity bind Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Peter Dimov new May 14, 2015
#11315 Compilation warnings created by boost::polygon::operators polygon Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Andrii Sydorchuk assigned May 17, 2015
#11326 Suggested patch for boost 1.58.0 and Python 3 < 3.4 breaks build for 3.4 python USE GITHUB Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve new May 20, 2015
#11341 dimacs_basic_reader reads corrupted data graph Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new May 25, 2015
#11348 Problem constructing boost::iterator_range objects from arrays range Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Neil Groves new May 26, 2015
#11355 Sloan ordering does not work on disconnected graphs graph Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new May 27, 2015
#11369 Boost.Python: return_internal_reference<> bug python USE GITHUB Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve new Jun 2, 2015
#11373 Ticket 10762 (boost 1..57) is nearly a year old, but error ist still in boost (now 1.58) numeric Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Douglas Gregor new Jun 2, 2015
#11375 Support Request -- boost 1.58 bootstrap.sh failed on SunOS 5.10 build Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jun 5, 2015
#11389 Bug: Unit precision is restricted to double when using conversion constants units Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Matthias Schabel new Jun 10, 2015
#11390 Wrong type in dynamic_bitset::reference constructor dynamic_bitset Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs jsiek new Jun 10, 2015
#11393 boost::program_options accepting switch-options that match the beginning of defined option, but is not full option typed out. program_options Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jun 11, 2015
#11397 Can't compile RawConverter from mpq_rational to double geometry Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Barend Gehrels new Jun 12, 2015
#11406 Bug in edge connectivity - directed graphs graph Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Jun 18, 2015
#11420 program_options crash on run() on specific machine only in release mode program_options Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jun 25, 2015
#11421 [geometry] rstar segmentation fault boost version 1.58.0 geometry Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs awulkiew assigned Jun 25, 2015
#11430 accumulators/p_square_cumul_dist runtime failure accumulator Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Eric Niebler new Jun 29, 2015
#11434 Broken link from Lambda docs lambda Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs No-Maintainer new Jun 30, 2015
#11437 rolling_mean returns incorrect result when using unsigned int accumulator Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Eric Niebler new Jun 30, 2015
#11440 bootstrap.sh suggests --toolset option Building Boost Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Jun 30, 2015
#11441 Documentation sample error accumulator Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Eric Niebler new Jul 1, 2015
#11448 posix::stream_descriptor with ::dup(STDIN_FILENO) as in sample posix chat client kills shell on Solaris 11.2 asio Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jul 2, 2015
#11456 deadline timer works using gcc 4.4, breaks with gcc 4.7, after switching from boost 52 to 58 asio Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jul 8, 2015
#11470 Invalid results using convex_hull with unsigned integer points coordinates geometry Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Barend Gehrels new Jul 10, 2015
#11473 basic_ptree documentation is missing property_tree Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Sebastian Redl new Jul 14, 2015
#11486 Unable to Locate bjam.exe on web and unable to build Boost Jam using bootstrap.bat Building Boost Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Jul 21, 2015
#11487 Boost doesn't build with Visual C++ 2015 Building Boost Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Jul 21, 2015
#11490 boost::lockfree::spsc_queue::pop(T*, size_type) did not compile when used with interprocess allocator lockfree Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs timblechmann new Jul 21, 2015
#11515 dynamic_bitset move constructor should be conditionally noexcept dynamic_bitset Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs jsiek new Jul 27, 2015
#11523 Interprocess communication between x86 and x64 issue interprocess Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Aug 4, 2015
#11527 socket connection error asio Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Aug 6, 2015
#11529 regression: boost::archive::archive_exception exception during serialization non latin1 strings to xml serialization Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Robert Ramey reopened Aug 7, 2015
#11534 timer/inspect execution failure w/ g++-4.9.2 on Solaris 11.2 timer Boost 1.58.0 Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Beman Dawes new Aug 11, 2015
#11535 standard integrate_times function causes tiny time steps odeint Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs karsten new Aug 12, 2015
#11583 Johnson All Pairs - wrong edge mapping algorithm Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Marshall Clow new Aug 26, 2015
#11584 Johnson All Pairs - wrong edge mapping algorithm Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Marshall Clow new Aug 26, 2015
#11585 Johnson All Pairs - wrong edge mapping algorithm Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Marshall Clow new Aug 26, 2015
#11595 boost container forward declares names from the std namespace illegally container Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Aug 27, 2015
#11629 Appears clash when the boost::log and boost::asio::io_service are running in the same time. asio Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Sep 9, 2015
#11640 scope_exit: -Wshadow warning issued scope_exit Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Lorenzo Caminiti new Sep 10, 2015
#11646 Boost ASIO server-side async_handshake handler not called if Diffie-Hellman key is too small asio Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Sep 11, 2015
#11662 Parse Json property_tree Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Sebastian Redl new Sep 17, 2015
#11679 boost::polygon::connectivity_extraction<int>::extract crashes when no polygons were inserted polygon Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Lucanus Simonson new Sep 24, 2015
#11680 boost::polygon::connectivity_extraction<int>::extract crashes when no polygons were inserted polygon Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Lucanus Simonson new Sep 24, 2015
#11708 shared_ptr for void asio Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Oct 5, 2015
#11715 build error with openmpi in vs2010 mpi Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Matthias Troyer new Oct 7, 2015
#11723 Memory leak (and assertion failed) in r_c_shortest_paths.hpp graph Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Oct 13, 2015
#11782 OpenSSL SSLv3 methods removed asio Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Nov 2, 2015
#11794 SSL context and/or stream valgrind reports conflicting access in libcrypto.so asio Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Nov 13, 2015
#11851 epoll_reactor::deregister_descriptor() release descriptor_data asio Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Dec 17, 2015
#11898 Input stream operator of a filesystem::path can't handle spaces filesystem Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Jan 9, 2016
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.