{2} Active Tickets by Version (3380 matches)

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Results (3301 - 3380 of 3380)

Boost Release Branch (42 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#5380 Windows has triggered a breakpoint in my code asio Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Mar 28, 2011
#5804 Anonymous SVN inaccessible trac / subversion Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs Douglas Gregor new Aug 22, 2011
#7548 Impossible to query for std::vector<double> converter registration python USE GITHUB Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve new Oct 21, 2012
#7996 phoenix::bind does not protoify the bound arguments phoenix Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs Thomas Heller new Feb 6, 2013
#10016 SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT: Undeclared identifier asio Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new May 6, 2014
#10539 Type error in detail::socket_ops::host_to_network_short asio Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Sep 25, 2014
#11124 Headers are not rebuilt completely Building Boost Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs new Mar 18, 2015
#11345 Compilation with fails when BOOST_THREAD_VERSION=4 defined log Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs Andrey Semashev new May 26, 2015
#11438 Certificate for Boost wiki has expired website Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs René Rivera new Jun 30, 2015
#11980 Windows Phone Build Error locale Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs Artyom Beilis new Feb 11, 2016
#12079 Infinite loop in boost:: filesystem::directory_iterator filesystem Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Mar 19, 2016
#12113 ./boost/mpi/communicator.hpp:1260:3: error: 'array' is not a member of 'boost::serialization' mpi Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs Matthias Troyer new Apr 5, 2016
#12656 `vf2_subgraph_iso` fails to find matchings in mutually connected vertices graph Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Dec 7, 2016
#13116 BTC CODE REALISER result_of Boost Release Branch Boost 1.65.0 Bugs Daniel Walker new Jul 11, 2017
#13125 parse_config_file silently ignores IO errors program_options Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jul 16, 2017
#13524 Parameter mismatch on make_controlled factory (incorrectly constructed controlled_runge_kutta) odeint Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs karsten new Apr 16, 2018
#13633 boost/system/error_code.hpp fails to compile on clang-3.6 in gnu++14 mode due to invalid constexpr system Boost Release Branch Boost 1.68.0 Bugs Beman Dawes new Jul 12, 2018
#6282 filter and other views transform the sequence type mpl Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Feature Requests Joel Falcou new Dec 16, 2011
#9622 Add function time created file. filesystem Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Feature Requests Beman Dawes new Jan 31, 2014
#9764 posix_time::time_duration::operator/(int) can trigger division by zero error date_time Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Feature Requests az_sw_dude new Mar 10, 2014
#10423 Unnecessary configuring of toolsets build Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Feature Requests Vladimir Prus new Aug 30, 2014
#12810 feature parity between boost::intrusive_ptr and boost::interprocess::intrusive_ptr intrusive Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga new Feb 3, 2017
#13205 Suurballe's algorithm for finding two edge disjoint paths in non-negatively weighted graphs would be a great addition to BGL graph Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Feature Requests Jeremiah Willcock new Sep 11, 2017
#13117 BTC CODE REALISER BIOT Building Boost Boost Release Branch Boost 1.65.0 Library Submissions new Jul 11, 2017
#2482 msvc-9.0 unreferenced formal parameter warning when using boost::breadth_first_visit concept_check Boost Release Branch Boost 1.38.0 Patches jsiek new Nov 6, 2008
#5677 Bootstrap fails with python versions 3.1 and up Building Boost Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches new Jul 7, 2011
#6106 New map[] directive to augment qi::symbols when doing binary parsing spirit Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches Joel de Guzman new Nov 8, 2011
#6876 Add forwarding of operator() to reference_wrapper bind Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches Peter Dimov new May 8, 2012
#9881 patch for GCC -Wshadow warnings in crc.hpp crc Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches Daryle Walker new Apr 14, 2014
#9885 path to suppress MSVC 2008 warning C4510 in multi_array/concept_checks.hpp multi_array Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches Ronald Garcia new Apr 14, 2014
#9892 patch for GCC -Wshadow warnings in property_tree property_tree Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches Sebastian Redl new Apr 14, 2014
#9893 patch for Clang -Wtautological-constant-out-of-range-compare in property_tree/detail/json_parser_write.hpp property_tree Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches Sebastian Redl new Apr 14, 2014
#9894 patch for GCC -Wshadow warnings in ptr_container ptr_container Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches Thorsten Ottosen new Apr 14, 2014
#9895 patch for GCC -Wignored-qualifiers warnings in ptr_container/detail/map_iterator.hpp ptr_container Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches Thorsten Ottosen new Apr 14, 2014
#9896 patch for GCC -Wextra warning in ptr_container/ptr_map_adapter.hpp ptr_container Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches Thorsten Ottosen new Apr 14, 2014
#9897 patch for GCC -Wunused-parameter warnings in ptr_container ptr_container Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches Thorsten Ottosen new Apr 14, 2014
#9898 patch for GCC -Wshadow warnings in random random Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches No-Maintainer new Apr 14, 2014
#9900 patch for GCC -Wshadow warnings in spirit/home/classic spirit Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches Joel de Guzman new Apr 14, 2014
#9902 patch for GCC 4.8 -Wunused-local-typedefs warning in tuple/detail/tuple_basic.hpp tuple Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches Joel de Guzman new Apr 14, 2014
#9903 patch for GCC -Wundef warning in utility/result_of.hpp utility Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches No-Maintainer new Apr 14, 2014
#12259 improved version of boost::property_tree::ini_parser, which handles comments in INI-files property_tree Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches Sebastian Redl new Jun 9, 2016
#13367 lockfree need update lockfree Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Tasks timblechmann new Dec 26, 2017

None (34 matches)

#912 test bug report None None Bugs nobody deleted Apr 3, 2001
#107 bad_cast in hex to short lexical_cast None Bugs kevlin deleted Aug 20, 2002
#185 Can't compile test programs of "date_time" date_time None Bugs nobody deleted Jul 31, 2003
#186 Can't compile test programs of "date_time" date_time None Bugs nobody deleted Jul 31, 2003
#231 Graph Header Clashes With Format Header graph None Bugs jsiek reopened Feb 5, 2004
#240 ha ha very funy........idiots! None None Bugs nobody deleted Mar 1, 2004
#347 boost::uniform_on_sphere in not uniform on sphere random None Bugs jmaurer deleted Jan 27, 2005
#349 boost 1.32 compile error with STLPort462 and boost/format None None Bugs samuel_k deleted Feb 2, 2005
#375 LEDA graph adaptors do not handle hidden nodes properly graph None Bugs Jeremiah Willcock reopened Mar 22, 2005
#382 Past-the-end tokenization in parse_date() date_time None Bugs az_sw_dude deleted Apr 6, 2005
#474 bjam HDRS rule in python tutorial compilation python USE GITHUB None Bugs david_abrahams deleted Aug 26, 2005
#668 thread_group::size() should be const thread None Bugs glassfordm deleted Jun 24, 2006
#709 extern symbol _tss_cleanup_implemented? threads None Bugs glassfordm deleted Aug 18, 2006
#850 program_options strips off escaped quotes in some situations program_options None Boost 1.42.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus reopened Mar 9, 2007
#175 fuck you [vandalism] None None Feature Requests nobody deleted Jul 20, 2003
#395 BGL graph types do not support allocators graph None To Be Determined Feature Requests Douglas Gregor new May 2, 2005
#605 Support different DST rules in timezone db based on years date_time None Feature Requests az_sw_dude assigned Apr 17, 2006
#746 max flow with lower bounds (capacities) graph None To Be Determined Feature Requests Douglas Gregor new Oct 6, 2006
#795 [ublas] vector::back() uBLAS None Feature Requests Gunter new Dec 15, 2006
#810 support for weak_ptr binding smart_ptr None To Be Determined Feature Requests Peter Dimov new Jan 11, 2007
#889 Insane Dependencies date_time None Feature Requests az_sw_dude assigned Apr 9, 2007
#717 Add operator for __repr__ similar to __str__ xpressive None Website 1.X Library Submissions david_abrahams deleted Aug 26, 2006
#20 passwords in c++ programming None None Support Requests nobody deleted Nov 28, 2001
#106 Serial Number None None Support Requests nobody deleted Aug 18, 2002
#217 Problems building & linking with vc7.1 None None Support Requests nobody deleted Dec 2, 2003
#291 with constructor not allowed in union None None Support Requests nobody deleted Jul 23, 2004
#619 spirit spirit None Support Requests Joel de Guzman deleted May 3, 2006
#625 Cannot access boost::filesystem namespace filesystem None Support Requests nobody deleted May 9, 2006
#654 Mail Delivery failure when committing to Boost CVS build None Support Requests nobody deleted Jun 17, 2006
#783 Can't compile anything with boost - undefined reference build None Support Requests nobody deleted Nov 28, 2006
#792 Difference between -sgd- and -gd-: Building Boost None Support Requests nobody deleted Dec 13, 2006
#793 Difference between -sgd- and -gd-: Building Boost None Support Requests nobody deleted Dec 13, 2006
#872 Problem build boost 1.33.1 on Aix 4.3.3 Building Boost None Support Requests René Rivera deleted Mar 27, 2007
#403 Document copy_component graph None Boost 1.46.0 Tasks Douglas Gregor new May 19, 2005

(empty) (4 matches)

#13384 Captcha rejected all my attempts; ticket text lost trac / subversion Bugs Douglas Gregor new Jan 9, 2018
#5158 speed up lowest_bit() for gcc 4.x compatibles dynamic_bitset Feature Requests James E. King, III new Feb 4, 2011
#13208 Make boost::optional<T> trivially destructible, copyable and movable if T is optional To Be Determined Feature Requests Fernando Cacciola new Sep 13, 2017
#13361 Host boost.org using HTTPS Documentation To Be Determined Tasks Matias Capeletto new Dec 24, 2017
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