{2} Active Tickets by Version (3380 matches)

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Results (3201 - 3300 of 3380)

Boost Development Trunk (96 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#4540 fold<Sequence>() instantiates result_of::fold<Sequence const> result_of Boost Development Trunk Boost 1.44.0 Feature Requests Douglas Gregor new Aug 13, 2010
#4732 Event Ports for Solaris asio Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Oct 13, 2010
#5230 Interprocess shared memory between 32 and 64 bit processes interprocess Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga reopened Feb 25, 2011
#5391 Rework BBv2 documentation build Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Vladimir Prus new Mar 30, 2011
#5541 Partial function application phoenix Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Thomas Heller new May 13, 2011
#5619 zlib: Add support for additional flush mode iostreams Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis new Jun 18, 2011
#5706 Gcc 4.6 warnings for Boost Graph graph Boost Development Trunk Boost 1.56.0 Feature Requests Andrew Sutton reopened Jul 17, 2011
#5943 clang++ on windows support (was: clang-linux-3.0 output path for clang++ on Windows) build Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Vladimir Prus new Sep 26, 2011
#6047 functions round_cast and trunc_cast math Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests John Maddock new Oct 22, 2011
#6668 support overloads of read_xxx from boost::filesystem::path property_tree Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Sebastian Redl new Mar 9, 2012
#6688 better support for exporting symbols from DLL asio Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Mar 15, 2012
#6818 Tuple subscripting tuple Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Joel de Guzman new Apr 21, 2012
#6891 Add extension point to define how expressions are created from operators proto Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Eric Niebler assigned May 12, 2012
#6965 Handling of sequence of non const reference fusion Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Joel de Guzman new Jun 4, 2012
#7028 NDEBUG should disable asserts even if BOOST_ENABLE_ASSERT_HANDLER is defined utility Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Peter Dimov reopened Jun 26, 2012
#7119 [proto] implement an implicit conversion function for expressions proto Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Eric Niebler new Jul 11, 2012
#7597 transform_output_iterator iterator Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests jeffrey.hellrung new Oct 29, 2012
#7897 Add timeout parameter to all Boost::ASIO socket operations asio Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Jan 16, 2013
#8442 Match std::reference_wrapper functionality bind Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Peter Dimov new Apr 15, 2013
#8545 Can quickbook support parts and chapters as well as sections? quickbook Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Daniel James assigned May 3, 2013
#8972 Doxygen \sa see also links are not passed to Quickbook C++ reference section. quickbook Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Steven Watanabe new Aug 6, 2013
#9299 Feature Requests: circular_buffer::emplace(...) circular_buffer Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests No-Maintainer new Oct 24, 2013
#9326 io_service.get_unfinished_work_count() asio Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Oct 30, 2013
#9393 quantile for hypergeometric distribution - precision/rounding issue math Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests John Maddock new Nov 14, 2013
#9935 Support edge multiplicity in brandes_betweenness_centrality graph Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Jeremiah Willcock new Apr 22, 2014
#10052 Runtime check of IEEE-754 rounding modes support interval Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Boris Gubenko new May 15, 2014
#10089 constexpr support in units units Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Jürgen Hunold new Jun 3, 2014
#10894 Add an adaptor to iterate a range in pairs of (current element, next element) range Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Neil Groves new Dec 23, 2014
#11026 Add exceptions to file sinks when writing fails log Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Andrey Semashev new Feb 14, 2015
#11114 Function for checking if file or directory is child of given ancestor directory. filesystem Boost Development Trunk Boost 1.58.0 Feature Requests Beman Dawes new Mar 13, 2015
#11122 Bulk/Range set/unset operations dynamic_bitset Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests jsiek new Mar 18, 2015
#12869 Getting the path of the current executable filesystem Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Beman Dawes new Feb 25, 2017
#12975 Add map_options for managed_mapped_file (managed_open_or_create_impl_device_holder) interprocess Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga new Apr 17, 2017
#13030 Make address class and related classes to literal type asio Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new May 14, 2017
#13447 BOOST_PP_VARIADICS should be 1 for NVCC preprocessor Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Feature Requests No-Maintainer new Feb 14, 2018
#1338 g++ warnings and incomplete header inclusions numeric Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Douglas Gregor reopened Oct 21, 2007
#2142 [fix in git] Patch for boost.python - return_pointee_value python USE GITHUB Boost Development Trunk Boost 1.36.0 Patches troy d. straszheim new Jul 23, 2008
#3780 Patch for disabling strict aliasing warnings, changing reinterpret_cast's function Boost Development Trunk Boost 1.42.0 Patches Douglas Gregor new Dec 20, 2009
#3996 Enable use of BOOST_FOREACH over const-ref of noncopyable ptr_containers ptr_container Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Thorsten Ottosen reopened Mar 10, 2010
#4361 boost/concept_check gcc warning cleanup concept_check Boost Development Trunk Boost 1.44.0 Patches jsiek new Jun 21, 2010
#4442 Simple implementation of operator * for matrices with 0 complexity uBLAS Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches David Bellot assigned Jul 15, 2010
#4654 restricted_filter doesn't seek with the correct offset iostreams Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Jonathan Turkanis new Sep 17, 2010
#4692 conversion from string literal to 'char *' is deprecated python USE GITHUB Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Dave Abrahams new Sep 29, 2010
#4735 MinGW version 'mingw-x.y.z' requested but 'g++-mingw-x.y.z' not found and version 'x.y.z' of default 'g++' does not match build Boost Development Trunk Boost 1.46.0 Patches Vladimir Prus new Oct 14, 2010
#4805 Fix exec and exec-dynamic tests for MSVC10 python USE GITHUB Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Dave Abrahams new Oct 31, 2010
#4917 uBLAS element-wise power function uBLAS Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Gunter new Dec 1, 2010
#5086 Fix for possible assertion failure in MSVC isctype.c tokenizer Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches jsiek new Jan 18, 2011
#5115 iostreams non_blocking_adapter read bug iostreams Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Jonathan Turkanis new Jan 24, 2011
#5721 Modulo operation for boost::rational rational Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Jonathan Turkanis new Jul 19, 2011
#6085 Make use of statvfs() for OpenBSD with Boost.Filesystem filesystem Boost Development Trunk Boost 1.48.0 Patches Beman Dawes new Nov 3, 2011
#6135 Significant speed-up in gamma rng by switching from Knuth method to Marsaglia and Tsang (2000) random Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches No-Maintainer new Nov 17, 2011
#6285 fix type qualifiers ignored on function return type ptr_container Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Thorsten Ottosen new Dec 17, 2011
#6822 Patch to fix process_status_failure behaviour filesystem Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Beman Dawes new Apr 22, 2012
#6828 functional/forward broken with decltype-based boost::result_of functional/forward Boost Development Trunk Boost 1.50.0 Patches t_schwinger new Apr 25, 2012
#7224 Fix endian.hpp and Filesystem on Android filesystem Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Beman Dawes new Aug 13, 2012
#7266 Gettext path formats. locale Boost Development Trunk Boost 1.54.0 Patches Artyom Beilis assigned Aug 23, 2012
#7417 Detailed test status is not available in the Boost.Test log (status, assertions, passed) and so live test case status cannot be tracked test Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Gennadiy Rozental new Sep 24, 2012
#7836 Add GIL RAII module to Boost.Python python USE GITHUB Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve new Dec 29, 2012
#8466 Boost.TR1 misdetects Visual C++ 2012's support as nonexistent TR1 Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches John Maddock new Apr 20, 2013
#8475 Make Boost.date_time compatible with Clang's -Wimplicit-fallthrough diagnostic. date_time Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches az_sw_dude new Apr 22, 2013
#8477 Make Boost.locale compatible with Clang's -Wimplicit-fallthrough diagnostic. locale Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Artyom Beilis new Apr 22, 2013
#8482 Make Boost.iostreams compatible with Clang's -Wimplicit-fallthrough diagnostic. iostreams Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Jonathan Turkanis new Apr 22, 2013
#8558 some misspell fixes Building Boost Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches new May 9, 2013
#9068 `parser_buf` like class moved to boost/detail/basic_pointerbuf.hpp regex Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches John Maddock new Aug 30, 2013
#9256 Compile fixes for clang-cl mpl Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Aleksey Gurtovoy new Oct 17, 2013
#9257 Fix for clang compiler warning asio Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches chris_kohlhoff new Oct 17, 2013
#9281 Give string_path an accessor for the value property_tree Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Sebastian Redl new Oct 21, 2013
#9368 Generalize edge weight types usable in prim_minimum_spanning_tree graph Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Jeremiah Willcock new Nov 12, 2013
#9438 call of overloaded ‘ignore_unused_variable_warning(...)’ is ambiguous concept_check Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches jsiek new Nov 27, 2013
#9480 make_permissions slower then it needs to be filesystem Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Beman Dawes new Dec 9, 2013
#9495 property_tree json_read should accept iterators instead of just streams property_tree Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Sebastian Redl new Dec 15, 2013
#9549 [graph][BGL][PBGL] Dynamic_properties class does not allow distributed property_maps graph Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Jeremiah Willcock new Jan 7, 2014
#9971 Use constexpr for boost::mpl::c_str::value when possible. mpl Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Aleksey Gurtovoy new May 1, 2014
#10708 Property support in add_vertex() method for subgraph graph Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Jeremiah Willcock new Oct 28, 2014
#10709 Graph bundled property support in subgraph graph Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Jeremiah Willcock new Oct 28, 2014
#10781 Minor typo in regex_actions.hpp xpressive Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Eric Niebler new Nov 11, 2014
#10850 gcc-x86-implementation of "atomic_exchange_and_add" triggers intel's "unitialized variable" runtime check smart_ptr Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Peter Dimov new Dec 4, 2014
#10859 Minor typo in Boost.Interprocess interprocess Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Ion Gaztañaga new Dec 9, 2014
#12009 Fix for Visual C++ C4267 'conditional expression is constant' warning ptr_container Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Thorsten Ottosen new Feb 19, 2016
#12099 Ziggurat implementation of boost::random::exponential_distribution random Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches No-Maintainer new Mar 25, 2016
#13550 Boost foreach library trigger warning in Qt foreach Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Eric Niebler new Apr 30, 2018
#2863 svn.boost.org uses an invalid security certificate serialization Boost Development Trunk Boost 1.58.0 Support Requests Douglas Gregor reopened Mar 17, 2009
#6348 unresolved symbols when kinking with gcc-3.4.6 date_time Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Support Requests az_sw_dude new Jan 2, 2012
#12231 How to build boost with CMake? Building Boost Boost Development Trunk Boost 1.61.0 Support Requests new May 27, 2016
#1251 Implement RSS backend for Quickbook. quickbook Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks René Rivera new Sep 12, 2007
#1264 Add option to specify qbk file to use. quickbook Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Joel de Guzman new Sep 13, 2007
#1479 Document litre tool. Documentation Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Daniel Wallin new Nov 25, 2007
#1497 Ruling needed on tracker usage trac / subversion Boost Development Trunk Boost 1.40.0 Tasks Beman Dawes new Dec 3, 2007
#2240 Move placeholders into the boost::placeholders namespace bind Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Peter Dimov new Aug 21, 2008
#3443 improve documentation uBLAS Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks David Bellot new Sep 12, 2009
#4784 numeric/interval/hw_rounding for __amd64__ interval Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Boris Gubenko new Oct 25, 2010
#9339 Switch WKB parser to use Boost.Endian geometry Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Mateusz Loskot new Nov 4, 2013
#9344 Document and test non-OGC behaviour of WKT and WKB support geometry Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Mateusz Loskot new Nov 5, 2013
#9345 Add support for M component to WKT and WKB I/O geometry Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Mateusz Loskot new Nov 5, 2013
#9353 Complete stream-based interface for WKT/WKB geometry I/O geometry Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Mateusz Loskot new Nov 7, 2013
#11316 Getting Started on Windows Documentation - Does bootstrap.bat Need the Toolchain as an Argument? Getting Started Guide Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Dave Abrahams new May 17, 2015

Boost.Jam 3.1.18 (1 match)

#4976 boost-jam 3.1.18 + mingw-w64 build Boost.Jam 3.1.18 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Dec 13, 2010

Boost Release Branch (3 matches)

#2826 constant boost::mpl::aux::template_arity_impl::value causes 64 bit truncation warning mpl Boost Release Branch Boost 1.47.0 Bugs Joel Falcou new Mar 3, 2009
#3366 ICU shared lib not found on fedora x86_64 Building Boost Boost Release Branch Boost 1.42.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus new Aug 26, 2009
#5297 boost 1.46.1 bootstrap problem with visual studio 2010 sp1 Building Boost Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Bugs new Mar 12, 2011
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.