{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (3355 matches)

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Results (3301 - 3355 of 3355)

Active Tickets (55 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#1200 Revamp the header information quickbook Boost 1.34.1 To Be Determined Tasks Daniel James new Aug 22, 2007
#1251 Implement RSS backend for Quickbook. quickbook Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks René Rivera new Sep 12, 2007
#1264 Add option to specify qbk file to use. quickbook Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Joel de Guzman new Sep 13, 2007
#1279 Make sure multiple #import of a file imports the file only once. quickbook Boost 1.34.1 To Be Determined Tasks Daniel James assigned Sep 24, 2007
#1479 Document litre tool. Documentation Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Daniel Wallin new Nov 25, 2007
#1487 Update the writing documentation instructions Documentation To Be Determined Tasks Daniel James assigned Nov 30, 2007
#2240 Move placeholders into the boost::placeholders namespace bind Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Peter Dimov new Aug 21, 2008
#3443 improve documentation uBLAS Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks David Bellot new Sep 12, 2009
#4668 Conditions for operator overload in Proto (documentation) proto Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Tasks Eric Niebler assigned Sep 21, 2010
#4784 numeric/interval/hw_rounding for __amd64__ interval Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Boris Gubenko new Oct 25, 2010
#4790 Suggest improvement to mpl::string documentation mpl Boost 1.40.0 To Be Determined Tasks Aleksey Gurtovoy new Oct 26, 2010
#5637 use of mpl::print imposes default constructible requirement on argument mpl Boost 1.46.1 To Be Determined Tasks Aleksey Gurtovoy new Jun 24, 2011
#5658 how to get rid of nasty compiler warning in boost/property_tree/detail/rapidxml.hpp property_tree Boost 1.46.1 To Be Determined Tasks Sebastian Redl assigned Jun 29, 2011
#5985 Quickbook needs Users Guide documentation quickbook Boost 1.47.0 To Be Determined Tasks Daniel James new Oct 6, 2011
#6460 add xpressive grammar example to docs xpressive Boost 1.48.0 To Be Determined Tasks Eric Niebler new Jan 27, 2012
#6538 property map documentation is overlay complicated property_map Boost 1.48.0 To Be Determined Tasks Douglas Gregor new Feb 9, 2012
#6706 Mersenne Twister discard() speed improvement random Boost 1.48.0 To Be Determined Tasks No-Maintainer new Mar 19, 2012
#7393 documentation suggests to store handle in node, why? heap Boost 1.52.0 To Be Determined Tasks timblechmann new Sep 19, 2012
#7793 Not needed code for mapped files in windows interprocess Boost 1.52.0 To Be Determined Tasks Ion Gaztañaga new Dec 13, 2012
#8562 Pool doc lists incorrect header file pool Boost 1.53.0 To Be Determined Tasks Chris Newbold new May 10, 2013
#9339 Switch WKB parser to use Boost.Endian geometry Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Mateusz Loskot new Nov 4, 2013
#9344 Document and test non-OGC behaviour of WKT and WKB support geometry Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Mateusz Loskot new Nov 5, 2013
#9345 Add support for M component to WKT and WKB I/O geometry Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Mateusz Loskot new Nov 5, 2013
#9353 Complete stream-based interface for WKT/WKB geometry I/O geometry Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Mateusz Loskot new Nov 7, 2013
#9736 [documentation] document the size() extension points range Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Tasks Neil Groves new Mar 4, 2014
#10225 Boost iostreams should use BOOST_TRY/CATCH instead of std try/catch. iostreams Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Tasks Jonathan Turkanis new Jul 22, 2014
#10967 Timed wait points inconsistently convert relative to absolute waits thread Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Tasks Niall Douglas new Jan 24, 2015
#11093 Limitations of unique_ptr in C++03 mode move Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Tasks Ion Gaztañaga new Mar 10, 2015
#11252 make make_ready_future more efficient thread Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Tasks viboes assigned Apr 29, 2015
#11316 Getting Started on Windows Documentation - Does bootstrap.bat Need the Toolchain as an Argument? Getting Started Guide Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Tasks Dave Abrahams new May 17, 2015
#11798 Implementation of boost::shared_mutex on POSIX is suboptimal thread Boost 1.59.0 To Be Determined Tasks viboes assigned Nov 16, 2015
#11882 Mistake in iterator facade documentation iterator Boost 1.60.0 To Be Determined Tasks jeffrey.hellrung new Jan 3, 2016
#12012 bost.MPI installation fail on Windows' 10 mpi Boost 1.60.0 To Be Determined Tasks Matthias Troyer new Feb 21, 2016
#12433 Make use of make_shared whenever possible in future.hpp thread Boost 1.62.0 To Be Determined Tasks viboes assigned Sep 3, 2016
#13263 error in boost lockfree 1.58 documentation lockfree Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Tasks timblechmann new Oct 17, 2017
#13361 Host boost.org using HTTPS Documentation To Be Determined Tasks Matias Capeletto new Dec 24, 2017
#13367 lockfree need update lockfree Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Tasks timblechmann new Dec 26, 2017
#13432 Remove RCS Tags from MPL component mpl Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Tasks Aleksey Gurtovoy new Jan 31, 2018
#13588 rename lock_sharable and its methods(and mutex methods) in order of concept of std::lock_shared interprocess Boost 1.67.0 To Be Determined Tasks Ion Gaztañaga new Jun 7, 2018
#12187 Boost-bugs Archive link does not work website Boost 1.61.0 Website 1.X Bugs René Rivera new May 10, 2016
#12554 boost/core/typeinfo.hpp creates unwanted strings in release binary tokenizer Boost 1.62.0 Website 1.X Bugs jsiek new Oct 26, 2016
#2448 syntax highlighting for code in documentation or website Documentation Boost Development Trunk Website 1.X Feature Requests Daniel James assigned Oct 29, 2008
#4770 trac custom query needs single option for muliple field search trac / subversion Website 1.X Feature Requests Douglas Gregor new Oct 22, 2010
#1236 email addresses of bug submitters should be obfuscated on publicly visible Trac pages xpressive Boost.Build-M3 Website 1.X Library Submissions Douglas Gregor reopened Sep 8, 2007
#2660 `fd_set' has not been declared xpressive Boost.Build-M3 Website 1.X Library Submissions az_sw_dude reopened Jan 16, 2009
#2917 BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT doesn't work as expected xpressive Boost.Build-M3 Website 1.X Library Submissions chris_kohlhoff reopened Apr 5, 2009
#5611 bjam: define the right OS name on Hurd xpressive Boost.Build-M3 Website 1.X Library Submissions Eric Niebler new Jun 16, 2011
#11181 Header conflict "using-declaration causes a multiple declaration of 'boost::iterators::use_default'" xpressive Boost.Build-M3 Website 1.X Library Submissions Steven Watanabe reopened Apr 10, 2015
#10874 Tips To Understanding The Important Details Of Van Insurance accumulator Boost 1.46.0 Website 1.X Patches Eric Niebler new Dec 14, 2014
#11513 roadmap update website Website 1.X Tasks René Rivera new Jul 27, 2015
#13384 Captcha rejected all my attempts; ticket text lost trac / subversion Bugs Douglas Gregor new Jan 9, 2018
#13390 Bootstrapping Boost 1.66 fails on Windows 10 using wingw gcc build Boost 1.66.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jan 11, 2018
#13462 set_option: The requested address is not valid in its context asio Boost 1.66.0 Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Mar 3, 2018
#2841 boost::hash to support boost::dynamic_bitset dynamic_bitset Boost 1.43.0 Feature Requests James E. King, III new Mar 9, 2009
#5158 speed up lowest_bit() for gcc 4.x compatibles dynamic_bitset Feature Requests James E. King, III new Feb 4, 2011
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.