Active Showstoppers (185 matches)

All open tickets marked as "Showstopper"


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Results (1 - 100 of 185)

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Component: algorithm (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#11583 Johnson All Pairs - wrong edge mapping new Marshall Clow Bugs To Be Determined
#11584 Johnson All Pairs - wrong edge mapping new Marshall Clow Bugs To Be Determined
#11585 Johnson All Pairs - wrong edge mapping new Marshall Clow Bugs To Be Determined

Component: asio (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#2958 [patch] changes to make asio compile on vxWorks new chris_kohlhoff Patches Boost 1.39.0
#5815 booast asio crash in io_service run new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#6831 __sync_lock_test_and_set_4 and illegal instruction new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#9277 Serial Hardware Handshaking in Windows XP SP3 Broken? new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#10235 a strange problem for deadline_timer new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#10606 kqueue broken on FreeBSD new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#11777 Doing async reads appears to do spurrious calls to recvmsg that return EAGAIN new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#12437 asio::async_read with a tcp socket gives erroneous results under Windows new chris_kohlhoff Bugs Boost 1.61.0
#13291 read_until won't compile with Visual Studio 2017 using regex new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#13292 Using Boost.Asio's POSIX-specific features makes programs not compile new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#13294 Boost(1.57).Asio crashes after ssl stream is closed and stream is deleted. new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#13308 Asio symbols are exported even when they should not new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#13352 1.66 i686-w64-mingw32-g++-win32 new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#13364 xxx please delete - it was my fault xxx new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#13412 Boost ver1.64.0 doesnt have asio/asoiciated_allocator.hpp new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#13461 C++ Boost UDP multicast errors out with socket.set_option() new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#13462 set_option: The requested address is not valid in its context new chris_kohlhoff Bugs
#13463 Boost UDP multicast sender not using correct port new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined
#13477 Initializing boost::asio socket after constructor failed new chris_kohlhoff Bugs To Be Determined

Component: atomic (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#13265 boost atomic lib memory_order error new timblechmann Bugs To Be Determined

Component: bimap (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#8134 Compiler error using boost::foreach with boost::bimap new Matias Capeletto Bugs To Be Determined

Component: build (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#3165 wrong project-config.jam generated for intel-linux new Vladimir Prus Bugs Boost 1.42.0
#4097 limited support for detecting platform new Vladimir Prus Feature Requests Boost 1.43.0
#4607 Build errors when Python installation is explicitly specified new Vladimir Prus Bugs To Be Determined
#4976 boost-jam 3.1.18 + mingw-w64 new Vladimir Prus Bugs To Be Determined
#6497 bjam build failing when including QtUiTools new Vladimir Prus Bugs To Be Determined
#6746 Boost fails to build 64-bit on Solaris sparc with toolset=gcc new Vladimir Prus Bugs To Be Determined
#10276 For clang toolset Boost 1.56 needs to always specify -Wno-c99-extensions new Vladimir Prus Bugs To Be Determined
#10922 Fails to link python-extension project when msvc target is used new Vladimir Prus Bugs To Be Determined
#13123 So confused on building boost. new Vladimir Prus Support Requests To Be Determined
#13390 Bootstrapping Boost 1.66 fails on Windows 10 using wingw gcc new Vladimir Prus Bugs
#13475 boost_1_66_0, Windows 10, mingw-w4, bootstrap fails - cannot write AppData\Local\Temp file new Vladimir Prus Bugs To Be Determined
#13512 Starting from boost 1.67 boost build system for Intel compiler on Windows is broken. new Vladimir Prus Bugs Boost 1.67.0

Component: Building Boost (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#8821 bootstrap build.bat fails for vc11 toolset new Bugs To Be Determined
#8951 Duplicate name of actual target: <pstage-gcc\lib>libboost_exception-mgw47-d-1_54.a new Bugs To Be Determined
#9051 jam build system refuses to work on windows, won't build on mingw-w64 new Bugs To Be Determined
#9143 boost can not load bootstrap new Support Requests To Be Determined
#9348 b2 cannot find Jamroot when run at the root of a mounted partition. new Bugs To Be Determined
#9507 [bcp] bcp creates broken build for asio component new Bugs To Be Determined
#9728 Bootstrap currently fails new Bugs To Be Determined
#10101 Failed to build Boost.Build engine new Support Requests To Be Determined
#10117 corrupt installer boost_1_55_0-msvc-12.0-64.exe downloaded from sourceforge : 1.55.0-build2 new Bugs To Be Determined
#10330 Boost 1.56 bootstrap.bat failed for intel-win32 new Bugs To Be Determined
#10559 1_56 tar file has directories with wrong permissions, will not install new Bugs To Be Determined
#11439 Duplicate name of actual target: <pstage/lib>libboost_system.a new Support Requests To Be Determined
#11487 Boost doesn't build with Visual C++ 2015 new Bugs To Be Determined
#11685 bootstrap.log: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'tlhelp32.h': No such file or directory new Bugs To Be Determined
#11868 cannot build Boost using PGI compilers new Bugs To Be Determined
#12004 Boost 1.60 fails to build with VC14 new Bugs To Be Determined
#12046 Error of fatal error: quadmath.h: - Rhel7 new Support Requests To Be Determined
#12086 Fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_regex-vc80-mt-sgd-1_34_1.lib' new Support Requests To Be Determined
#12185 bootstrap for boost_60_0 does not work for Visual Studio 2013 new Bugs To Be Determined
#12231 How to build boost with CMake? new Support Requests Boost 1.61.0
#12267 How to build boost with Boost.Build using Clang 3.7 with Microsoft CodeGen instead of the original Visual C++ compiler? new Support Requests To Be Determined
#12533 Difficulty building boost 1.62.0 using current mingw distribution new Bugs To Be Determined
#12573 b2 ignores <archiver> <ranlib> and other flags selecting toolchain new Bugs To Be Determined
#12899 ERROR: Error LNK1104 cannot open file 'libboost_date_time-vc140-mt-gd-1_63.lib' new Bugs To Be Determined
#13506 Bootstrap.bat fails for Microsoft Visual Studio Community 15.6.4 new Bugs Boost 1.66.0

Component: container (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#9855 Corruption in container::string when used with boost::interprocess new Ion Gaztañaga Bugs To Be Determined
#12806 flat_map.hpp function force_copy break strict-aliasing on gcc < 4.4 new Ion Gaztañaga Bugs To Be Determined
#13517 Boost Small Container chokes MSVC+NVCC CUDA 9.1 new Ion Gaztañaga Bugs To Be Determined
#13573 container/detail/flat_tree.hpp should not #include <boost/move/make_unique.hpp> new Ion Gaztañaga Bugs To Be Determined

Component: context (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#13245 Coroutines2: Crashes Visual Studio when attached with a debugger (on Windows x86) new olli Bugs To Be Determined

Component: date_time (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#3967 Parsing dates using date_input_facet accepts wrong input new az_sw_dude Bugs Boost 1.43.0
#5638 greg_month::get_month_map_ptr is not thread safe assigned az_sw_dude Bugs To Be Determined
#11973 Can't work with date_time library new az_sw_dude Support Requests To Be Determined
#12871 boost::posix_time::operator<< results in heap corruption new az_sw_dude Bugs To Be Determined

Component: filesystem (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#6320 race condition in boost::filesystem::path leads to crash when used in multithreaded programs reopened Beman Dawes Bugs To Be Determined
#9119 memory errors and eventual segfault when using Log new Beman Dawes Bugs To Be Determined
#9598 no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'boost::filesystem::directory_iterator' new Beman Dawes Support Requests To Be Determined
#12254 NULL reference to error_code passing to noexcept functions caused std::terminate new Beman Dawes Bugs To Be Determined
#12301 problem building 1.61.0 new Beman Dawes Bugs To Be Determined
#12567 boost::filesystem::path::generic crashes on Windows while attempting to build a network share path new Beman Dawes Bugs To Be Determined
#12830 boost::filesystem::windows_name() ? new Beman Dawes Bugs To Be Determined
#13439 boost:::filesystem:::copy_file : The File Exist new Beman Dawes Bugs To Be Determined

Component: geometry (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#11580 invalid buffer result assigned Barend Gehrels Bugs To Be Determined
#12314 boost::geometry::within for a point in a geographic coordinate system fails new Barend Gehrels Bugs To Be Determined
#12725 boost::geometry::distance compile errors with 3D segment primitives new Barend Gehrels Feature Requests To Be Determined
#13494 polygon intersection fails new Barend Gehrels Bugs To Be Determined
#13566 difference and intersection yield wrong result new Barend Gehrels Bugs To Be Determined

Component: Getting Started Guide (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#10692 No "/lib" directory or precompiled library binaries [1.56.0] new Beman Dawes Bugs To Be Determined

Component: graph (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#7341 Vector subscript out of range exception when calling weighted_core_numbers reopened Jeremiah Willcock Bugs To Be Determined
#10382 1.56.0 Graph adjacency_list has compile errors on g++ 4.6.4 new Jeremiah Willcock Bugs To Be Determined
#11908 mpi_process_group.cpp uses undefined class 'std::list' new Jeremiah Willcock Bugs To Be Determined

Component: interprocess (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#6928 semaphore.hpp duplicates nested namespace new Ion Gaztañaga Bugs To Be Determined
#7682 boost 1.52 named_mutex/named_condition pairing broken reopened Ion Gaztañaga Bugs To Be Determined
#8276 Shared Memory Access by 32-bit and 64-bit Processes new Ion Gaztañaga Bugs To Be Determined
#9573 type_rebinder<int,type_2,0> template specialization is not found using Sun's compiler 12.3 new Ion Gaztañaga Bugs To Be Determined
#11480 Interprocess get_last_bootup_time use of Event Log on Windows is completely unreliable new Ion Gaztañaga Bugs To Be Determined
#11695 Crash if boost managed_shared_memory is used on Windows new Ion Gaztañaga Bugs To Be Determined
#11728 interprocess::message_queue deadlocked when process exists unexpectedly on Windows new Ion Gaztañaga Bugs To Be Determined
#12137 boost::interprocess::intermodule_singleton initialization failed new Ion Gaztañaga Bugs To Be Determined
#12150 posix_recursive_mutex constructor never called, fails to init mutex new Ion Gaztañaga Bugs To Be Determined
#13626 Growing managed mapped file cause a pointer invalidation new Ion Gaztañaga Bugs To Be Determined

Component: interval (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#12018 rounded_arith_opp doesn't work in Release configuration under msvc 14 new Boris Gubenko Bugs To Be Determined

Component: iostreams (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone
#4654 restricted_filter doesn't seek with the correct offset new Jonathan Turkanis Patches To Be Determined
#4664 libboost_zlib + libboost_iostreams - link error (XCode, MacOSX) new Jonathan Turkanis Bugs To Be Determined
(more results for this group on next page)
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