Available Reports

New Custom Query

Compose a new ticket query by selecting filters and columns to display.

SQL reports and saved custom queries Sort by: Identifier Title

{1} Active Tickets

  • List all active tickets by ticket number.
  • Color each row based on priority.
  • If a ticket has been accepted, a '*' is appended after the owner's name

{2} Active Tickets by Version

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

{3} Active Tickets by Milestone

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

{4} Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner

List assigned tickets, group by ticket owner, sorted by priority.

{5} Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description)

List tickets assigned, group by ticket owner. This report demonstrates the use of full-row display.

{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

{7} My Tickets

{8} Active Tickets, Mine first

  • List all active tickets by priority.
  • Show all tickets owned by the logged in user in a group first.

{9} My Tickets Prioritized

{10} Tickets to Triage, Prioritized

{12} Active Tickets by Owner

List open tickets, group by ticket owner, sorted by priority.

{13} All My Tickets Prioritized

{14} Active Tickets by Library / Component

{15} Maintainers

{16} Users

{17} Active Tickets for bug reports

  • List all active tickets by ticket number.
  • Color each row based on priority.
  • If a ticket has been accepted, a '*' is appended after the owner's name

{18} Open ticket count by Owner

List count of open tickets by owner.

{19} Open ticket count by Component

List count of open tickets by component.

{20} Open ticket count by Ticket Type

List count of open tickets by component.

{21} Open ticket count by Milestone

List count of open tickets by milestone. Details

{22} Python issues

new, reopened, assigned tickes for component python

{23} CMake issues

{24} Open Bug count by Component

List count of open bugs by component.

{25} Open Patches count by Component

List count of open patches by component.

{26} Open Feature Requests count by Component

List count of open Feature Requests by component.

{27} Open Tasks count by Component

List count of open tasks by component.

{28} Open Support Requests count by Component

List count of open Support Requests by component.

{29} 1.46 blockers

Showstoppers scheduled for 1.46

{30} Active Regressions

List all active Regression tickets ordered by decreasing change time

{31} BGL Open Bugs

Open bugs in the Boost Graph Library and related components.

{32} Active Tickets for Boost.Pool

  • List all active tickets by ticket number.
  • Color each row based on priority.
  • If a ticket has been accepted, a '*' is appended after the owner's name

{33} mpl

{34} MyReport

{35} My Open Tickets, grouped by type

{36} My Tickets


{38} lexical_cast active tickets

{39} Oldest modified active ticket by component

Reports the date of the oldest modified not closed ticket by component

{40} Newest closed ticket by component

Reports the date of the newest closed ticket by component

{41} Oldest modified active ticket by type

Reports the date of the oldest modified active ticket by type

{42} Newest closed ticket by type

Reports the date of the newest closed ticket by type

{43} Active Showstoppers

All open tickets marked as "Showstopper"

{44} Newest modified ticket by component

Reports the date of the newest modified ticket by component

{45} boost.context

{46} New Open Bug count by Component

List count of new open bugs by component.

{47} Reopened Open Bug count by Component

List count of new open bugs by component.

{48} Boost Geometry Open Tickets

Open tickets in the Boost Geometry library

{49} Issues I reported

{50} boost.context - closed

{51} Boost.Thread open tickets

{52} boost.test open tickets

This is a query for boost.test. Please do not overwrite.

{53} Boost.Filesystem open tickets

Please do not modify this page. Contact the library maintainer if you have changes you would like to see incorporated.

{54} boost.fiber - closed

{55} boost.fiber

{56} Boost.GIL

Open tickets in the Boost GIL

{57} Phoenix - open

{58} Fusion - open

{59} Boost.GIL Open Tickets

{60} Boost GIL

Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.